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Reflecting the Creator has been created to be a hub where you can ask questions about the Bible, and theology (the study of the nature of God and religious beliefs), and get real-life application from trusted biblical sources. We strive to bring in wise voices who will speak practically to the questions no matter who is asking or what they are about.
Not everyone has a close, intimate relationship with a pastor where they can freely ask them any question and get the attention and answers they need. We are here not to judge for the type of questions you ask, but to be understanding and receptive to the real wonderings of your mind and heart.
God’s Word is the baseline for all truth. It is itself, truth. There is no higher authority and it is where we will forever turn to for guidance and truth. We believe the Holy Spirit has been given to help us understand the truth God has breathed into His Word (2 Tim 2:16-17, John 16:13). We are not here to supersede God’s Spirit, but through His guidance speak and bring practical light to your questions.
The ultimate goal is to train and encourage you to dig into God’s Word for yourself. As helpful as a mentor is, there is no replacement for personal time in God’s Word. The best way to grow your walk with Jesus is to spend time in His Word each day. We want to be an outlet for your questions and a resource for practical ways to put the truth of God’s Word into action in your day-to-day lives.
As you do dig in and study His Word, there will be times when you need someone to help you understand what is happening or how it applies. We are not ultimate authorities or theological doctors. What we are is a place where you can ask your questions freely without feeling fearful of others looking down on you for your doubts or questions.
One of the things we want each person to grasp is to study God’s Word primarily to understand this God in whom we serve. Far too often we get wrapped up in reading the Bible for how it applies without ever stopping to wonder at who God is revealing Himself to be. Our goal at RTC is not just to give answers to specific situations, though we hope to do so. Our goal is to teach you how to learn more about God Himself through His Word. The more we can come to know God for who He is, the more His Word will influence our lives.
Brian holds a degree in Practical Theology from Southeastern University. While Brian is the director of this ministry, the goal is to bring credible and wise voices who can speak to topics as they arise. We will not have answers to every situation but we will do our best to be faithful to the opportunities God allows us to have and seek His Word for application in life in authentic and genuine ways.
The name Reflecting the Creator started as a blog page in 2012. After a very rough experience in full-time ministry, Brian Craft began using the written word to get his thoughts out. God used writing to bring healing to his soul.
After years of not writing, God very clearly spoke and challenged Brian to begin writing again in May of 2022. During the Pandemic of 2020, Brian posted a daily devotion five days a week for eleven straight months. Brain fell in love with sharing the practicality of God’s Word and interacting with people online. One of the strengths God has used over the years in his time as an associate pastor in church ministry is being able to answer complex questions practically.
Brian has always had a passion for helping believers understand and fall in love with God’s Word for themselves. After completing the first draft of his first book, Brian began to feel God was calling him to do more than just write a book or blog. While there are a plethora of resources for Christians to grow in their walk with God, there seems to be a gap in a place to ask real questions and get authentic answers.
If you have been in church for very long, you have probably gotten a “churchy” answer to a question a time or two. The goal of RTC is to give people a place to ask their questions about God, the Bible, and God’s view on current events without feeling fear of judgment or ridicule. Through time in prayer and speaking to mentors around him, Brian came up with the idea to use ReflectingtheCreator.com as a hub and outlet for Q&A and practical discipleship to take place.
The goal is to bring in other authors, voices, and Christian leaders to speak to answer the questions as people submit them through our site. No one person can answer every question but with many voices, we have a great chance to get things right. We need each other to learn and grow in wisdom. But all of us draw back to a single source of wisdom and that is God’s Spirit speaking through God’s Word, the Bible. This is our baseline and will forever be the North Star from which all answers point and come from.