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Blessed are those whom the Lord disciplines - Psalm 94

God loves us enough to point out when we leave idols unattended in our lives.

God loves us enough to point out things in us that do not line up with His Word or are dragging us down from being who He desires us to be. It could be a conviction of the Spirit or it could be a situation that causes us to see and be forced to deal with issues within ourselves.

God’s Word disciplines us (verse 12). God convicts and teaches us through His Word. This is a huge reason we need His Word each day. There is nothing more effective at speaking to our spirits than His Word. It is up to us to make God’s Word part of who we are. We need to delight in His Word.

Do we allow God to point out things in us that offend Him? Psalm 139:23-24 should be a prayer we pray on a regular basis. God desires to purify us and make us more like Jesus, a purer reflection of Jesus. Do we allow His Spirit to point out those things? Do we humble ourselves to His convictions? Do we repent and turn away from those things He convicts us about? What is our response to His leading?

I encourage You today, to turn to His Word and open Yourself to God’s discipline in your life. Pray the prayer from Psalm 139:23-24. Turn over your will, your desires, your wants to Him, and allow Him to renew your heart. The more we stay open to His Word in the midst of our trials, the more we are able to see God at work in our lives.

Allow the Spirit of God through the Word of God to make you a clearer reflection of Jesus to the world around you today.

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Reflecting the Creator
Reflecting the Creator Podcast
This is the podcast of Reflecting the Creator, giving practical answers and application about the Bible, theology and living out your Christian faith.