Reflecting the Creator
Reflecting the Creator Podcast
Intentional Disciplines to Growing in our Walk with Jesus
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -22:53

Intentional Disciplines to Growing in our Walk with Jesus

We need to make time to be intentional in our walk with Jesus, making sure we are holding ourselves accountable to our disciplines and not walking in self-deception.

Today, Brian talks through some practical applications for spiritual growth.

Here is the link for the Scripture memory system Brian mentioned in today’s podcast: SIMPLY CHARLOTTE MASON SCRIPTURE MEMORY SYSTEM

Some of the discplines Brian spoke of today:

-PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY: It begins with personal accountability. What ways are you keeping yourself accountable in doing the spiritual disciplines the Lord has laid on your heart?

-BIBLE READING PLAN: Whether it is the Read Scripture app, a One Year Bible, or a plan on your favorite Bible app…a Bible reading plan can help keep you on track and accountable.

-PRAYER JOURNALING: This isn’t for everyone but it is worthy trying. Try it out daily for one week to see if this helps you get things out of your head and keeps you focused during your prayer time.

-FASTING: If it is good enough for Ester, Moses, Jesus, than it should be good enough for us. Begin once a week fasting a meal. When you could be eating, pray instead. When the hunger pains hit, pray instead.

-3X5 CARD PRAYER LIST: List out people or situations into different categories and spend time each day praying for each person or situation in the category you have assigned that day. This way you can make your prayer time more than just about you.

-INVITE SOMEONE TO READ A BOOK WITH YOU: Having someone reading the same book with you both keeps you accountable to actually reading it, and also gives you a sounding board to bounce ideas and thoughts back and forth about. This can really help us get more out of our reading since we with need something to talk with the other person about! Maybe send a picture or quote each day together. This is also something that can be done in larger groups as well.

-FAMILY WORSHIP TIME/NIGHTLY WORSHIP TIME: Take time at the end of the day to spend time together with those who you live with. This could be a spouse, roommate or kids. Even if you live alone, ending the day by spending time meditating on God’s word can really help close the day well, as well as set up the following day. Some ideas to include in your daily wrap-up:

  1. Bible reading/Devotion book: Read something from the Word. Either a Psalm or chapter or even a small passage to end the day with God’s Word.

  2. Scripture Memory System: Check out the link below for the how-to. This has changed our family. We have found no better way to memorize Scripture together as a family. This is cheap, easy, but life-changing if you make it a habit.

  3. Triple T’s: Terrific, Terrible, Thankful…in that order. This allows for reflection and conversation to take place…intentionally.

  4. A worship song: even if your voice stinks, the Bible says to make a joyful noise to the Lord. Singing together is a great way to build unity and focus our minds back on Who is really important.

  5. Prayer: Make sure to pray together. Prayer is more powerful in our families and relationships than anything else. You can either simply pray together or take time for each person to share a prayer request that the family can pray with together. Change it up and have different people pray. Prayer is a discipline that we need and that will change the atmosphere of our homes.

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