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What Standard of Holiness are We Living by?

Are we using God's Word and His holiness as our measuring stick or are we comparing ourselves to the world around us to justify our unholiness?

This past weekend, I ran into several instances where I felt ashamed and angered at the lack of holiness and separation of people who claimed the name of Christ. It seems we have begun to look to the evilness and vileness of our world and culture to justify our own life choices. We aren’t as bad as the world so we must be good. We have lost our sense of conviction in being “holy because I AM holy.”

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be holy…to be set apart. We are not to look to the world as our standard of living but rather look to Christ Jesus. Romans 12 tells us, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” We are not to be conformed to the pattern of the world. We are to look to Christ Jesus for our pattern.

I challenge you today to examine the reasons and justifications for living as you do. What standards and measurements are you using in your life? What determines if you do something or listen to something? Are you falling into the trap of using the world’s fallen way of life to justify your lack of holiness in your life? The call of the disciple of Jesus is to model our lives after Christ. He is our standard of living.

Take time today to reflect on God’s holiness and Who He is. Remind Yourself of Who the God is we worship. Below is the link to the video I mentioned in the podcast. This is great to have in the background of your quiet time of reflection.


Reflecting the Creator
Reflecting the Creator Podcast
This is the podcast of Reflecting the Creator, giving practical answers and application about the Bible, theology and living out your Christian faith.